Information is the 6th element
Human body is made of 5 basic elements: water, air, earth, sky, fire.
~ Indian Vedas
Somewhere I feel that there is a 6th element as well which makes the “human body” a “human” and that element is “Information (सूचना)”.
[Truthfulness (सत्यता) & Depth (अगाधता)] of information possessed by a human defines what type of human we are dealing with. [Depth (अगाधता)] of information is reflected through the [quality & amount of knowledge] shared by the person, but [Truthfulness (सत्यता)] of information reflects the person’s [credibility]
Information is the most powerful weapon which can bring [creation (सृजन)] or [destruction (विनाश)]. Information can clarify the people or confuse them as well. Information can encourage people or discourage them as well. Information inspires people or makes them hopeless. To me, information is analogous to the soul, whether a human is alive or dead with or without information (soul).
Information sharing is an art
On top of that “information sharing” is an art, some people are masters of big qualifications & certifications but when it comes to sharing information with others, those masters actually fail and the audience consumes unclear information. This is another form of spreading information with no-value & no-benefit or low-value & less-benefit to recipients. So the information must have to be shared in the simplest form for its greater benefits.
Information sharing mechanism
Now let’s talk about how the information is spreaded to its planned or unplanned target audience, those could be
- Person to person (P2P) : information spread is by one individual to another individual and pace of spread would be with very slow
- Leader to group of people (L2GP) : information spread is by one individual to group of individuals at one place and pace of spread would be faster than P2P.
- Conventional broadcasting medium (CBM) : These are broadcast agencies or media houses or entertainment media which own the various platforms to share the information with masses, e.g. print media, TV media, cinemas.
- Alternate broadcasting medium (ABM) : These are individuals, groups of individuals or OTT platforms who are broadcasting information to masses e.g. social media, OTT players, etc. But the scale of broadcast is still far lower than conventional platforms.
- Education & academic institutions : Information sharing in school or academic institutions are an integral part of human development. This medium builds the foundation in every human which provides stability throughout life. With the jolts in life few humans get transformed to the next level from their base and few complete 180 degrees of their base.
Challenges with information sharing
- Information [delivery is in control of powerful] hands e.g. social media & media houses
- Information [is articulated to misinform] the recipients or propagate specific agenda
- Influencers are becoming the [agent of misinformation]
- Recipient’s minds are being used as [“garbage-box” to dump the information] with no or partial truthfulness & depth.
- Many recipients have stopped following conventional & alternate media platforms as well.
- Surprisingly people are so much obsessed with the information biases, that they are not ready to listen to other perspectives.
- Information is tuning the people’s brain to them into binary groups i.e. either anti-information or in support-information.
- The [biggest challenge] is that recipients are [allowing information to manage them] to become zombies.
Resolution to safeguard intent & retain trust in information
Whole point here is that [Information (सूचना)] can be shared as either as the [nectar (अमृत)] or [poison (विष)] to recipients. Protecting information from [toxic & malicious minds] is not possible all the time. World is moving so fast and is supposed to [survive for millions or billions of years] that for that it is mandatory that everything around humans is [SIMPLE and enables LET-LIVE]. But [toxic & malicious minds] will always be there with their vested interest and can control the information to damage the framework based on [SIMPLE & LET-LIVE] principles.
Core idea behind the resolution is that [There should be a centralized authentication information system (CAIS) platform and assess the truthfulness of the information which is being served on digital media platforms. While accessing the truthfulness, no integration dependency on these digital media platforms and breaching any compliance checklist]. Recipients who are receiving or consuming the information on digital media platforms, will have the option to verify information on-demand or automatic.
About Centralized authentication information system (CAIS) platform
CAIS platform will host all information from [authenticated sources] only. Anyone who is seeking the verification of information, may send the [information verification request] to the CAIS platform. In response, the CAIS platform will respond as information is [either Verified or Seems unverified or Unable to verify]. In further sections, we shall touch base the high-level architecture and design of CAIS platform.
For several years technologies have evolved a lot. A few years back it was not really possible to identify the genuineness of the information, people are still flooding the information into the public domain without caring about the truthfulness & impact of the information. The evolution of “Generative AI” has shown great signs of assurance in the area of fake-information identification. Let discuss the whole design concept as follows
How the information flow on digital media platforms
- Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, WhatsApp are among the most popular digital platforms.
- Information senders write information on digital platforms in the form of [Post, article, chat messages, images, videos etc.]
- Digital platforms perform content validation as per compliance needed, but many people do not rely on their content validation process because transparency is not ensured by these processes.
- After required checks & validation, information is published to expected target audience.
Core concept of information authentication platform
Description :
- Above diagram represents the block diagram of the CAIS platform.
- The CAIS platform has a “Generative Pre-trained Transformer” at its core.
- The model is pre-trained with all authenticated information up-to certain date & time.
- The model will be continuously trained with new authenticated information on hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis.
- The CAIS platform will provide relevant APIs for CAIS-Agent applications which will be running on the user’s device.
- CAIS APIs will be invoked by CAIS-Agent and APIs will respond with authenticity of information.
Leveraging CAIS platform for information verification
Description :
- Above diagram represents the process flow of information verification via the CAIS platform.
- In the image,
- Section-2 (circle number 2) represents collectively [information service provider] platforms e.g. social media or OTT or some other platforms, which will be providing information requested by respective client channels.
- Section-4 (circle number 4) represents the [CAIS Platform] which will be responsible for information verification.
- Users who are registered on [information service provider] platforms are also required to be registered on [CAIS Platform].
- Users will be accessing information from [information service provider] platforms and information in form of post, article, image, video, chat will be displayed on [My page like <section-3>] on the user’s device.
- CAIS Agent application running on the user’s device will be requested to verify information on [My page]. The information verification request shall be fulfilled by [CAIS Platform <Section-4 (circle number 4)>]
- Verification status returned from [CAIS Platform] will shown on [My page] in form of green tick [] or red cross sign [].
- This is high level information verification which can be initiated on-demand or automated on [My page].
So this way, information can be safeguarded from [malicious & fraud minds] and [audience’s mind] can be protected to be treated at [garbage-box] of [waste-information or fake-information].
Purest form of [information] will make people’s mind clear to make their perspective and obviously with good intention. Indirectly the clean [information] will make all kinds of systems [Simple (सरल)] around the world, which I believe is the ultimate knowledge to live a beautiful life [as suggested in proposed Life-framework, please refer link here].
I just attempted to pull the attention of great minds around me. Please do share your thoughts in the comments, I am open to take suggestions or anyone can use this information to take it to the next level.
About author
Profile : Rajesh Verma – Brief profile
Source : link for this article here
Series : S2 (Artificial Intelligence)
Episode : S2E2 ([S2-AIGAI] Safe-gaurding yourself from fake information using Generative AI)
Author’s approach : Rajesh wants to share his learning & experience gained throughout his career from various sources. Author started the series on architectural topics including AI/ML & GAI topics and this article is one of the episodes in that attempt. Author feels that lots of information is available on various forums, but scattered here & there. Episodes in this series will be designed for most of the relevant topics in architecture-&-design, published gradually and organized in logical sequence. Principally episodes will have linkage with other episodes, so that readers can have proper connection among the topics and would be able to correlate with ongoing activities in their software life. Topics for example will be related to functional architecture, integration architecture, deployment architecture, microscopic view of mostly architecture-building-blocks (ABBs), security guidelines & approach to comply, performance KPIs & engineering, git branch & DevOps enabled automation strategy, NFR aspects (e.g. scalability, high-availability, stability, resiliency, etc.), commonly used architecture styles & design patterns, cloudification approaches, multi-tenancy approach, data migration, channel-cutover & rollout strategy, process standardization & simplification, greenfield rollout & brownfield transformation journeys, etc.
Thank you for reading the post, please stay connected.
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