OPENCAPABILITY.IN brings LEGO block based architectural components in the area of business application, software platform, containerized infra and application platform building, OPENCAPABILITY.IN will enable software developers and architects to reuse readily available business capabilities, setup their various environments including production and non-production.
Application Capability
Pick ready to use application API and integrate in your application e.g. Manage Feature, Manage Role, Manage Role x Feature, Manage User, Manage User x Role
Software Capability
Design your technology stack for and install required tools using “Software API” e.g. MySQL, Postgres, Java, Active MQ, Apache Kafka, Nginx, Apache HTTP and others
Infrastructure Capability
Design your containerized infrastructure using Docker with or without cluster, Kubernetes based docker container platform, Podman similar to docker and others
Application Platform
Design your application e.g. CRM Platform, Employee Management, Student Management, Payroll, Attendance Management and others
Application Capability
API Capability
Manage User Profile
“User Profile” capability will enable to manage all sections of an user in composite way. e.g. Capability will manage sections e.g. general info, address, contact, academic, work and others
“User General Info” capability will enable to manage basic info of an user. Key parameters of user request user-id, digital-d, and first-name, last-name, middle-name, father name, mother-name, age, gender, dob and others
“User Address” capability will enable to manage address of different address types of an user. Key parameters of address request address-id, address-type, address-line1, line2, user-id, digital-d, and others
“User Contact” capability will enable to manage contact of different contact types & contact mode of an user. Valid contact type is Work, Home, evening, morning, weekend etc. contact mode is email, phone etc. Key parameters of contact request contact-id, contact-type, contact-line1, line2, user-id, digital-d, and others
Software Capability
Database Capability
Setup database server for your application e.g. MySQL Server, Postgres, Yugabyte and others
Backend App Server
Setup application server to host your application components e.g. Apache Tomcat, Wildfly and others
Infrastructure Capability
Docker Swarm
Docker swarm capability will enable to setup docker cluster using swarm mode on your machine
Docker Kubernetes
Docker Kubernetes capability will enable to setup docker cluster using Kubernetes on your machine